Profound and intimate

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Beautiful Raw Powerful Honest and True … I love you so much Vicki and am here if you are ever prompted to reach out christina@cocreatingclarity.org I would love that! My lifelong experience in the school of hard knocks leaves me with a deep knowing that the only true freedom lies in Oneness. In the visceral knowing and relentless living of unconditional love for ‘other’ as self. For there is no outside in Oneness … so how can we not care deeply , love unconditionally, bless indiscriminately each and every droplet of consciousness? Whether human or plant or animal or situation or relationship of electron or dollar bill or planet or feeling or book or rock or … you get my drift😆 And by love I mean living as Love BEing in form in present here and now one moment at a time, allowing everything/one to be exactly what it is, joining in two-way flowing union with it, and of course knowing exactly what, if anything, is my action to take. And yes joining with cancer too. What a challenge you’ve been through back in 2004. So many tears. What a betrayal! For I had my own adventure with a rare lymphoma, a massive tumor in my chest cavity wrapping around my respiratory and circulatory vessels choking me. A BEing whom I named Rosie, and befriended and communicated with. (I wrote about her in White Hawks http://www.cocreatingclarity.com/indrasnetFBFeb2021.htm#210216). In and out of hospital for months, each time a full week of 24/7 infusions that brought me as close to death as they dared to. And yet here you are! And here I am! Love always wins … love has won … we’re simply taking our own sweet time REALizing it. Why. Because of exactly the the wonderful thing you encountered with Your money or your Life! We love our Freedom! The upside down thin is we persist in loving to fight for our Freedom! How crazy is that? Free will is everything to us, and yet the natural built in power of free will is possible only in embracing all, inclusive of all, allowing all that same freedom of choice! What a conundrum! Blessing you precious friend, and every one who gathers here 🕸️💎🕸️💎🕸️💎🕸️💎🕸️ I love you each and all so very much!🌺 PS: OMG!😱 Vicki darling💞 You’ve done it again … draw all of this stream of consciousness out of me with your writing! How beautiful! How powerful you/we are! Magical!🌈 🦄🌟

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Thanks for sharing your story. Very identifiable! You’ve always had a prophetic voice. Sometimes prophets are heeded, sometimes they get stoned. Many of us would love to read your thoughts about limits. Maybe there’s a publisher who believes the world is ready for it now!

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I love this. And your vulnerability - sharing it, expressed so well. And the poem. It brought me to tears. 🪶

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I wish we weren’t on opposite sides of the country. I’d love to drink some tea and talk with you.

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Lovely Vicki. Thank you. What if we did not think of limits as “limits” but as finding the ‘best fit’ for ourselves within the web of life? What if we focused on the abundance and limitless value the naturally emerges when we collectively apply our unique innate gifts to the creation of systems that contribute to (rather than destroy) the flourishing of all others? Limits suggest imposed scarcity. I think we need to focus more on the pathway to abundance. ❤️

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That too. Boundaries and consent were nowhere to be found 25 years ago, but now we do understand that chosen limits are empowering and actually confront the entitlement I was addressing

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Well said. 🙏

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Thank you for this. I wonder if now that you’ve set it down — and hopefully will be sharing more (really eager to hear more about this idea!) — someone else will pick it up. Even if/when it’s too late, falling in love with limits sounds glorious for the soul and possibly would/will help us accept the limits we're likely to face soon.

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thank you. I had a wonderful person love the draft I submitted to Harper Collins and work with me to make it work... and we failed in a sad way because I freaked the moment I felt it veering towards Harry Browne. But who knows. who knows...

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Thanks for sharing Vicki, I am preparing a class to teach this summer that deals with freedom. You got my thoughts string. I remember applying to go to this Waldorf boarding school and I had to write an essay in the early 70s on “The wise restraints that make men free“. A Wildly crazy idea to my hippie ideals. I recently came across a quote by Angela Davis. That is a bit of a counterpoint. I am no longer accepting the things I cannot change I am changing the things I cannot accept. Write On Sister.

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If you'd like I'm happy to share a cuppa tea at the Commons and talk more about what i saw about freedom. wise restraints, yes, but a lot more juicy realizations

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