Most of our friends would like to have a choice about when and how we die. It seems to me that our cultural taboos against accepting the inevitability of death create more harm than good. I would like to be able to exercise my right to leave this life in the way that I choose, peacefully, without being criminalised.
Thanks for this Vicki! It feels like somehow we need to 'crack the nut' on putting together young people who desperately need affordable housing with seniors who need support at home. Almost like a online matching service to support two ends of our population together. Maybe that exists already, or needs to be grown, and it's what I think of when I read a story like this. Reweaving the village as much as possible. <3
Yes yes yes. Any idea how to do this? Know any app developer who wants to figure it out? For me this is hyper local. I have 2 suites in my house and am promoting this to others here, but no easy way yet to help homeowners do conversions and find perfect renters. It's counter cultural. It takes early adopters like me and then a bunch of others to do it and prove it's a brilliant solution. I know you work with lots of young people, want to engage with me in greasing the wheels? 😉
Thanks for your message Vicki. I agree it's hyper local -- it's one of those trans-local initiatives (i.e., get it started one place and maybe others in other contexts will adapt/pick it up themselves). So I'm glad you're kicking it off and happy to support however I can. I will definitely keep my ears peeled for an app developer or others who might be interested in figuring it out. :)
Another layer of profiting from others’ suffering under the guise of “care” exposed. Suites to age in place, if legal (not where I live), could be helpful especially if part of a mixed age **interdependent** community. Pushing isolation and fee-for-service solutions to seniors (and their children) as “independence” is quite the elephant.
For me, there is also a question of when medical intervention is more based on fear with the ulterior motive of keeping the person sick enough to continue needing the profit-driven care. My circles of control and influence seem so small.
Didn't know that famed eco-economist Hazel Henderson was a mentor of yours! We met her years ago when she spoke in our town. My husband and I belonged to a local group that explored topics like eco-economics, recovery from consumerism, etc. And of course we read your and Joe's book too, "Your Money or Your Life." We all need much more training in eco-economics in our culture. Somehow it has lagged behind general "green" and social concerns. Thanks for continuing to educate and inspire us.
Most of our friends would like to have a choice about when and how we die. It seems to me that our cultural taboos against accepting the inevitability of death create more harm than good. I would like to be able to exercise my right to leave this life in the way that I choose, peacefully, without being criminalised.
Vicki, I do SO appreciate how you toggle between your personal, vulnearble experience and the invocation for hopeful, meaningful action.
I just came across this article with chilling stats re aging and retirement. Perhaps they will be of use in future posts .
Thanks for this Vicki! It feels like somehow we need to 'crack the nut' on putting together young people who desperately need affordable housing with seniors who need support at home. Almost like a online matching service to support two ends of our population together. Maybe that exists already, or needs to be grown, and it's what I think of when I read a story like this. Reweaving the village as much as possible. <3
Yes yes yes. Any idea how to do this? Know any app developer who wants to figure it out? For me this is hyper local. I have 2 suites in my house and am promoting this to others here, but no easy way yet to help homeowners do conversions and find perfect renters. It's counter cultural. It takes early adopters like me and then a bunch of others to do it and prove it's a brilliant solution. I know you work with lots of young people, want to engage with me in greasing the wheels? 😉
Thanks for your message Vicki. I agree it's hyper local -- it's one of those trans-local initiatives (i.e., get it started one place and maybe others in other contexts will adapt/pick it up themselves). So I'm glad you're kicking it off and happy to support however I can. I will definitely keep my ears peeled for an app developer or others who might be interested in figuring it out. :)
Another layer of profiting from others’ suffering under the guise of “care” exposed. Suites to age in place, if legal (not where I live), could be helpful especially if part of a mixed age **interdependent** community. Pushing isolation and fee-for-service solutions to seniors (and their children) as “independence” is quite the elephant.
For me, there is also a question of when medical intervention is more based on fear with the ulterior motive of keeping the person sick enough to continue needing the profit-driven care. My circles of control and influence seem so small.
Whew. That's dark. Keeping us alive to keep billing!!! And yes mixed age interdependent...
Didn't know that famed eco-economist Hazel Henderson was a mentor of yours! We met her years ago when she spoke in our town. My husband and I belonged to a local group that explored topics like eco-economics, recovery from consumerism, etc. And of course we read your and Joe's book too, "Your Money or Your Life." We all need much more training in eco-economics in our culture. Somehow it has lagged behind general "green" and social concerns. Thanks for continuing to educate and inspire us.
Grateful you are writing about this horrid situation. Revolution is what I endorse—Throw the bums(read that as billionaires) OUT!
We need to care for each other. That’s what I’m doing. I’m not having the love of my life institutionalised